Is There a Medicare Office Near Me?
- Learn whether there is a Medicare office near you, and find out where else you can get answers to Medicare questions or help enrolling in these programs.
The best place to sign up for Medicare in person is probably a Social Security office in your area. The Social Security Administration helps Medicare applicants answer questions about Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B and enroll in those programs.
If you don't want to enroll in person, you can also sign up online at, the Social Security Administration’s official website. This site also lets you perform other important tasks, such as updating your personal information or managing benefits.

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Is There a Medicare Office Near Me?
Medicare does not have local offices. However, there are regional offices located in Washington D.C., Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle. You don’t need to have access to a regional office to sign up for Medicare. All of the important tasks regarding Medicare can be completed over the phone, online or at a Social Security office.
How Do I Contact a Medicare Office?
Calling 1-800-MEDICARE lets you connect with someone who can help you complete most necessary tasks, including requesting a new card, managing benefits, updating your information and enrolling in Medicare Part A and B.
Some other tasks can be accomplished online at Here are some of the tasks that can be completed on the official government website.
- Learning what Medicare will and won’t cover.
- Looking at Medicare costs.
- Finding out more about appealing claims.
- Learning about financial assistance with Medicare.
- Discovering doctors and facilities in your area.
Are You Automatically Enrolled in Medicare?
Most people who get Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits are automatically enrolled in Medicare when they turn 65.
You are usually automatically enrolled in Medicare if you receive disability benefits via Social Security, that usually happens only after 24 months of disability benefits. There are some exceptions to this rule, so it's important to check on your benefits as you approach retirement age if you're counting on Medicare to kick in.