Kaiser Permanente Phone Numbers
- Find the appropriate Kaiser Permanente phone number for all of your appointment, billing and other needs. Learn who to call and how to contact Kaiser customer service.
Kaiser Permanente has a reputation for good customer service, and the company has several different phone numbers to connect you to the right people for your needs.
Note: The TTY (teletypewriter) number for all phone numbers listed below is 711.
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What Is the Phone Number for Kaiser Member Services?
Current members of non-Medicare Kaiser Permanente plans can call 1-800-966-5955 to reach Kaiser member services, which is a general Kaiser Permanente customer service department.
The hours of operation for this phone number are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. except major holidays.
Those with a Kaiser Permanente Medicare plan can call 1-800-805-27539. You may call this number seven days per week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Member services may be able to answer your question or route your call accordingly.
What Is the Kaiser Permanente Billing Phone Number?
Kaiser Permanente plan members can pay their premiums over the phone. But the number you have to call in order to do so depends on where you live.
Below are the billing phone numbers for each state or region Kaiser serves that you can call to pay a bill or ask a question about your bill.
Northern California: 1-877-365-9900
Southern California: 1-866-288-6729
Colorado: 1-877-799-4700
Georgia: 1-877-699-7407
Hawaii: 1-877-578-2700
Maryland/Virginia/Washington D.C.: 1-800-777-7902
Oregon/Southwest Washington: 1-877-729-5590
Washington: 1-844-632-2045
What Is the Kaiser Permanente Phone Number for Appointments?
Like billing phone numbers, the phone number needed to schedule an appointment with Kaiser Permanente will also vary depending on where you live.
Below is a general Kaiser appointment line for each state or region that Kaiser serves.
Northern California: 865-454-8855
Southern California: 1-833-574-2273
Colorado: 303-338-4545 or 1-800-218-1059
Georgia: 404-365-0966 or 1-800-611-1811
Hawaii: 1-833-574-2273
Maryland/Virginia/Washington D.C.: 1-800-777-7904
Oregon/Southwest Washington: 1-800-813-2000
Washington: 1-800-297-6877 or 206-630-2244
How Can I Receive Help in Another Language?
If you need interpreter services to receive help from Kaiser Permanente in another language, you may call the phone number listed below for your state or region.
Northern California: 1-800-464-4000 (English and 150+ languages); 1-800-788-0616 (Spanish); 1-800-757-7585 (Chinese dialects)
Southern California: 1-800-464-4000 (English and 150+ languages); 1-800-788-0616 (Spanish); 1-800-757-7585 (Chinese dialects)
Colorado: 1-800-632-9700
Georgia: 1-888-865-5813
Hawaii: 1-800-966-5955
Maryland/Virginia: 1-800-777-7902
Oregon/Southwest Washington: 1-800-813-2000
Washington: 1-888-901-4636